lunedì 30 settembre 2013

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news LV

Aljazeera: US government on brink of shutdown

Posted: 29 Sep 2013 03:08 PM PDT

Republicans and Democrats trade blame, but Congress does not meet on Sunday, hours before shutdown deadline.

Aljazeera: Egypt court upholds jail term for Morsi's PM

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 06:43 AM PDT

Qandil was sentenced in April for failing to implement a court ruling to renationalise a textile company.

Huffington Post: Mali Bombing Claimed By Al Qaeda In The Islamic Maghreb

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 08:17 AM PDT

Al-Qaeda's north African division claimed responsibility Monday for a car bomb that rocked the Malian city of Timbuktu over the weekend, killing two civilians and wounding several soldiers, a report said.

"Two of our brave suicide bombers managed to reach the military base in Timbuktu in a vehicle carrying more than a ton of explosives," said a spokesman for Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, according to the Mauritanian Alakhbar news agency.

The spokesman said the explosion in the famed desert city killed 16 soldiers and wounded many more.

"The operation also led to the destruction of several military vehicles and blew up some of the buildings in the barracks," the unnamed spokesman added.

The claim contradicts the army's statement, however, that four suicide bombers in the car when it exploded and two passers-by were the only people killed.

The attack on Saturday, which wounded six soldiers, was the first suicide bombing in the fabled mainly Tuareg and Arab caravan town since March.

It came a day after AQIM announced it had appointed Algerian Said Abou Moughatil to take over from Abdelhamid Abou Zeid, a key commander who was killed in fighting with French-led forces in northern Mali.

Abou Zeid, 46, was credited with having significantly expanded the jihadist group's field of operations to Tunisia and Niger, and for kidnapping activities across the region.

France confirmed in March that Abou Zeid had been killed "during fighting led by the French army in the Ifoghas mountains in northern Mali in late February".

Mali has been the target of a series of attacks claimed by Islamist insurgents since France launched a military operation in January against Al-Qaeda-linked groups including AQIM occupying the north of the country.

The French-led operation forced the extremists from the cities they seized in the chaotic aftermath of a military coup that overthrew Mali's government in March 2012.

Residual groups of these fighters are no longer able to carry out coordinated assaults, but are still capable of regular small-scale attacks, mainly against Malian and French soldiers.

On March 21, a suicide bomber blew up a car near the Timbuktu airport at the start of an overnight assault on the city, killing a Malian soldier.

AQIM grew out of a movement launched in the late 1990s by radical Algerian Islamists who sought the overthrow of the Algerian government to be replaced with Islamic rule.

The organisation linked up to Al-Qaeda in 2006 and has spun a tight network across tribes, clans, family and business lines that stretches across the vast Sahel region abutting the southern Sahara desert.

AQIM is currently thought to be holding eight Europeans hostage, including five French nationals, and earlier this month released a video deemed credible by France showing seven of them.

More on Al Qaeda

Huffington Post: Matt Bevin Supports Restoring Felons' Gun, Voting Rights

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 08:19 AM PDT

Conservative Kentucky Senate candidate Matt Bevin (R), who is challenging Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) in his 2014 reelection bid, said Saturday that he supports restoring voting and gun ownership rights for convicted felons who have completed their sentences.

During a gun rights rally in Shepherdsville, Ky., Bevin was asked whether he supports restoring these rights for former convicts.

"I believe in forgiveness, I believe in second chances, and I believe we should find a way to restore the Second Amendment rights to people who are qualified and have shown themselves qualified to have those rights restored to them," Bevin said in an exchange posted to YouTube by Modern Rome.

More on Rand Paul

Huffington Post: 'Gays Of Gramps' Is A Miami Party We Love (JIPSY PHOTOS)

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 08:23 AM PDT


If you follow me on social media, you already know how much I love Gramps Bar in Wynwood. It's a place for the young alternative Miami scene where parties like the monthly karaoke "Let's Sang," formally known as "Super Lips," offers b-sides and punk rock tracks. And "Girls Of Gramps" on Wednesdays draws in the ladies for $16 bottles of bubbly and dance tunes by the GOG squad.

Now there's a new party at Gramps, presented by the GOG at least once a month and it's all about the boys: it's the "Gays Of Gramps" hosted by Sean Bennett and friends. At their first party, it was pretty good with a mix of ladies and friends glammed up, sipping on that $16 bottle of Champagne, and dancing to '90s dance music. I hope this party keeps growing because that's what the Miami gay scene was missing: a good party for the alt boys.

More on Miami Around Town

Huffington Post: 'Ark Nova,' The World's First Inflatable Concert Hall, To Tour Earthquake-Devastated Japan

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 08:25 AM PDT

From the outside it resembles a giant, plushy purple jelly bean, while on the inside it looks more like a glowing, colored seashell. Actually, this balloon-like form is the world's first inflatable concert hall, entitled "Ark Nova."

ark nova

Iconic British sculptor Anish Kapoor and Japanese architect Arata Isozaki have teamed up to create one of the more otherworldly structures in recent history -- a pneumatic structure made from an elastic shell that can be quickly inflated and dismantled. We agree with Roberta Smith when she said "Anish Kapoor has always been a kind of magician."

More on Music

Aljazeera: Tear gas fired at Sudan protest

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 08:56 AM PDT

Demonstration of university students near Khartoum met with police violence on eighth day of anti-government protests.

Aljazeera: Australian PM skirts refugee issue in Jakarta

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 09:10 AM PDT

Both countries commit to improved economic partnership and deny rising tensions over refugee problem.

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thumbnail Pasta: Minestrina in brodo con lenticchie
Sep 30th 2013, 09:06, by (Monia V)

Minestrina in brodo con lenticchie (1)Minestrina in brodo con lenticchie (2)

Minestrina in brodo con lenticchie (3) Minestrina in brodo con lenticchie (4)

Minestrina in brodo con lenticchie (5)

Minestrina in brodo con lenticchie

Questa è una minestrina vegan che piace tanto anche ai bambini: con l'arrivo dell'autunno si ha voglia di minestre calde, corroboranti, che ci coccolano dopo una giornata piovosa.

Per questa ricetta io ho utilizzato il formato "rosmarino" Granoro, ottima pasta biologica che si sposa divinamente con il brodo vegetale e le lenticchie.


INGREDIENTI (per 4 persone)

250 gr di pastina per brodo

150 gr di lenticchie

1 cipolla

brodo vegetale

olio extravergine d'oliva





Soffriggere la cipolla tritata fine in una casseruola con due cucchiai di olio: aggiungere le lenticchie, una presa di sale, una macinata di pepe e ricoprire d'acqua.

Portare a bollore, poi abbassare al minimo e far cuocere finché le lenticchie saranno pronte: eventualmente aggiungere poca acqua se dovessero asciugarsi troppo.

A parte, cuocere la pastina in una pentola colma di brodo vegetale: portare a cottura, poi spegnere e distribuire nei piatti.

Le lenticchie si possono aggiungere direttamente nella pentola, a fine cottura della pasta, oppure al centro di ogni piatto individuale.

Servire ben caldo.

thumbnail Pasta: Crostatine di pastasfoglia con mele e marmellata di limone
Sep 29th 2013, 16:46, by (Monia V)

Crostatine di pastasfoglia con mele e marmellata di limoni (12)

Crostatine di pastasfoglia con mele e marmellata di limoni (1) Crostatine di pastasfoglia con mele e marmellata di limoni (2)

Crostatine di pastasfoglia con mele e marmellata di limoni (3) Crostatine di pastasfoglia con mele e marmellata di limoni (4)

Crostatine di pastasfoglia con mele e marmellata di limoni (5) Crostatine di pastasfoglia con mele e marmellata di limoni (7)

Crostatine di pastasfoglia con mele e marmellata di limoni (8) Crostatine di pastasfoglia con mele e marmellata di limoni (9)

Crostatine di pastasfoglia con mele e marmellata di limoni (10) Crostatine di pastasfoglia con mele e marmellata di limoni (11)

Crostatine di pastasfoglia con mele e marmellata di limone

Inizia la scuola, tempo di merende: queste crostatine si possono preparare con anticipo e si possono dare come merenda ai bambini.

Per questa ricetta ho utilizzato la marmellata di Limone Interdonato di Sicilia IGP e Presidio Slow Food Re Limone.


INGREDIENTI (per 7/8 crostatine)

2/3 mele

200 gr di marmellata di limone

1 rotolo di pastasfoglia di diametro 26/28 cm

2/3 cucchiai di zucchero semolato



Ricavare 7/8 cerchietti direttamente con gli stampi per crostatine e disporre i cerchi ottenuti in ogni stampino.

Punzecchiare con una forchetta il fondo delle crostatine e disporvi sopra un cucchiaio di marmellata, livellandola.

Sbucciare le mele, tagliarle a spicchi, poi a fettine: disporre a piacere sulla superficie.

Spolverare leggermente con lo zucchero e cuocere in forno preriscaldato a 180°C per circa 15 minuti: controllare che il fondo sia cotto e sfornare.

Far raffreddare, sformare le crostatine e servire.

thumbnail Pasta: Crostatine di pastasfoglia con mele e marmellata di prugne
Sep 29th 2013, 16:45, by (Monia V)

Crostatine di pastasfoglia con mele e marmellata di prugne (12)

Crostatine di pastasfoglia con mele e marmellata di prugne (1) Crostatine di pastasfoglia con mele e marmellata di prugne (2)

Crostatine di pastasfoglia con mele e marmellata di prugne (3) Crostatine di pastasfoglia con mele e marmellata di prugne (4)

Crostatine di pastasfoglia con mele e marmellata di prugne (5) Crostatine di pastasfoglia con mele e marmellata di prugne (7)

Crostatine di pastasfoglia con mele e marmellata di prugne (8) Crostatine di pastasfoglia con mele e marmellata di prugne (9)

Crostatine di pastasfoglia con mele e marmellata di prugne (10) Crostatine di pastasfoglia con mele e marmellata di prugne (11)

Crostatine di pastasfoglia con mele e marmellata di prugne (13)

Crostatine di pastasfoglia con mele e marmellata di prugne

Altra gustosissima variante delle crostatine di pastasfoglia: marmellata di prugna e mele di stagione.

Per questa ricetta ho utilizzato la marmellata di susine "Meschina" e "Goccia d'oro" Erbucchio, da produzione biologica.


INGREDIENTI (per 7/8 crostatine)

2/3 mele

200 gr di marmellata di prugne

1 rotolo di pastasfoglia di diametro 26/28 cm



Ricavare 7/8 cerchietti direttamente con gli stampi per crostatine e disporre i cerchi ottenuti in ogni stampino.

Punzecchiare con una forchetta il fondo delle crostatine e disporvi sopra un cucchiaio di marmellata, livellandola.

Sbucciare le mele, tagliarle a spicchi, poi a fettine: disporre a piacere sulla superficie.

Cuocere in forno preriscaldato a 180°C per circa 15 minuti: controllare che il fondo sia cotto e sfornare.

Far raffreddare, sformare le crostatine e servire.

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