mercoledì 30 gennaio 2013

news LV

news LV

ANSA: Petrolio:Ny,chiude in rialzo a 96,43 dlr

Posted: 28 Jan 2013 12:10 PM PST

Quotazioni guadagnano lo 0,57%

ANSA: Mps: Viola, non e'in ginocchio, e'solida

Posted: 28 Jan 2013 12:12 PM PST

E' dura con tassi 9% ma sara' in grado di ripagare Monti Bond

ANSA: Seat: sospende pagamento cedola 42,2 mln

Posted: 28 Jan 2013 12:14 PM PST

Verifica su piano 2011-2013 e stime 2015,prossimo cda entro 6/2

ANSA: Petrolio: in rialzo a 96,64 dollari

Posted: 28 Jan 2013 11:19 PM PST

Brent a 113,60 dollari

Financial Times: France presses Mali to talk with rebels

Posted: 30 Jan 2013 04:15 AM PST

Paris attempts to forge good relations with Tuaregs who control town of Kidal as difficulties of reuniting fractured state emerge

Financial Times: Dreamliner faults cloud Boeing earnings

Posted: 30 Jan 2013 05:31 AM PST

The jet maker has made fixing the problems with Dreamliner 787 battery its top priority in the wake of it reporting better than expected fourth-quarter earnings

Financial Times: Hagel nomination awakens ghost of Vietnam

Posted: 30 Jan 2013 06:09 AM PST

Senate hearing on Thursday will pit Chuck Hagel, Obama's nominee for defence secretary, against his fellow war veteran and former friend, John McCain

Aljazeera: Zimbabwe's bank balance stands at $217

Posted: 30 Jan 2013 06:31 AM PST

Government account stands at $217 after paying public workers' salaries last week, the finance minister has said.

Aljazeera: Gaza officials allow voter registration

Posted: 30 Jan 2013 08:07 AM PST

Officials in the Gaza Strip gave the nod to allow voter registration, ahead of parliamentary and presidential polls.

Aljazeera: Nearly 150,000 displaced by Mozambique floods

Posted: 30 Jan 2013 09:30 AM PST

Aid agencies struggle to help communities inundated for almost a week, as death toll rises to 80.

Financial Times: Flee ‘safe’ sovereign debt, says Hasenstab

Posted: 30 Jan 2013 10:21 AM PST

Franklin Templeton bond manager points to inevitable rate rises and says that he has adjusted his Global Bond fund, for instance by buying into South Korean bonds

Huffington Post: Obama, 'The Rev. Dr.,' Preaches Immigration Reform

Posted: 30 Jan 2013 10:32 AM PST

Some of the commentary on President Barack Obama's immigration reform speech Tuesday struck pretty predictable blows.

The Gateway Pundit called it a "pep rally." Early in the day, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), wasn't happy with the level of interest he thinks the president has displayed in strengthening border security, Fox News reported. Others said the speech amounted to grandstanding and a calculated political move aimed at taking credit for the hard work a bipartisan group of senators have already done to hammer out a blue print for immigration reform.

But did anyone else notice that "The Rev. Dr." Obama made an appearance yesterday when he spoke to the mostly Latino audience gathered in Las Vegas? Obama got his preacher on -- delivering lines with clipped word endings and turning, at times, to his Southern black man cadence.

More on Barack Obama

Huffington Post: David Vitter: Marco Rubio 'Amazingly Naïve' On Immigration Reform Push

Posted: 30 Jan 2013 10:36 AM PST

Sen. David Vitter (R-La.) dismissed a bipartisan proposal on immigration reform on Wednesday and specifically went after Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) for his support, calling him "amazingly naive" to believe the plan would not amount to amnesty.

"Look, I love and respect Marco," Vitter said on the Laura Ingraham radio show. "I just think he's amazingly naïve on this issue. This is the same old formula we've dealt with before, including when it passed in 1986 and that is promise of enforcement and immediate amnesty. And of course, the promises of enforcement never materialize. The amnesty happens immediately, the millisecond the bill is signed into law. And the same is true here."

Vitter is one of several Republican senators, including Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.), who have criticized the bipartisan framework, which was released on Monday by Rubio and seven other senators, dubbed the "gang of eight."

More on David Vitter

Huffington Post: Charles Albert Poland, Jr., Killed Alabama Bus Driver, Hailed As Hero For Trying To Save Kindergarten Boy

Posted: 30 Jan 2013 10:38 AM PST

An Alabama community is mourning the loss of a heroic bus driver who was shot and killed after refusing to let a child get off his vehicle.

A 6-year-old autistic boy is currently being held in an underground bunker after a gunman boarded a stopped school bus on Tuesday in Midland City, Ala., and snatched the kindergartener, the Associated Press reports. But before the shooter got away with the child, the brave bus driver, Charles Albert Poland, Jr., 66, stood up to the gunman, but was shot multiple times and killed.

"We are mourning a hero, 66 year-old Charles Poland, who gave his life to protect twenty-one students who are now home safely with their families," Dale County Schools Superintendent Donny Bynum, said in a statement, according to WCTV.

More on Video

Huffington Post: Celiac Disease Pill? Scientists Find Potential Therapeutic For Gluten Intolerance

Posted: 30 Jan 2013 10:40 AM PST

People with lactose intolerance have a lactase pill available that helps them breakdown the protein so they can eat dairy without discomfort. And in the near future, people with gluten intolerance or celiac disease could have a pill so they can eat gluten, according to new research published in the Journal of the American Chemical Society.

Researchers at the University of California, Davis, and the University of Washington explained that healthy people without gluten intolerance or celiac disease have stomach enzymes that break down gluten without any consequence. But in people with these conditions, the broken-down gluten parts -- called peptides -- cause inflammation, leading to symptoms such as stomach pain, diarrhea and irritability.

Now, the researchers have identified an enzyme that breaks down the peptides even further and have modified it in such a way that they believe could alleviate the painful symptoms that occur when someone with celiac or gluten intolerance consumes gluten.

More on Video

Aljazeera: Victims demand restrictions on US gun sale

Posted: 30 Jan 2013 10:51 AM PST

Shot in the head in 2011, former US congresswoman Gabby Giffords makes emotional plea to stop gun violence.

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